If you have been searching for a new job in the past ten years, then you are probably familiar with LinkedIn. What you might not know is that LinkedIn, the world’s largest network for professionals, is more than just a place for job seekers or for finding new employees. It is also a place for […]
Why You Need to Build An Email List – Like..Yesterday!
If you’re like me, you use your various social media channels for your business. You might use a Facebook Page, Linkedin, and Google+ to promote your latest blog post (wait your not blogging ? – you need to read this) or to announce a new product or a sale item. Furthermore it goes without saying that you […]
Slides – Increase Your Website Traffic
How To Increase Your Website Traffic – Presentation Slides from November 17, 2014 Event.
Be Strategic About Using Your Social Media.
Often I meet with clients looking for a new website or a re-designed one. When the topic of social media integration with their website comes up, clients say “Oh yea, for sure I want that, the more places we can post our content the better”. On the surface it seems like a reasonable approach. But is it […]