When writing a blog post or article its important to have a title that catches your viewers interest and makes them want to continue on reading the rest of the post.
Statistics show that 8 out of 10 people will read the title of an article, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest of the article.
This statistic shows just how much power your title has.
So in essence your title has 2 jobs;
- Capture attention to the casual skimmer.
- Be interesting enough to entice the reader to continue on reading.
If you google “how to write a great title” or something similar, I am sure you will get hundreds or thousands of articles that go into great depth on how to craft the perfect headline to your blog post (or article) but if you’re anything like me – just a small business guy trying to run a business and don’t have a lot of time to research and just want a fill in the blanks approach, I’ve gathered up some great converting titles.
Here are some templates you can use right now..
#1. How to __accomplish something___ in a ___period of time___.
Example: How to create the perfect web design in less than a week.
#2. The Guaranteed method for avoiding _________.
Example: The Guaranteed method for avoiding paying more than you should for a refrigerator.
#3. 10 Little known ways to __accomplish something___
Example: 10 Little known ways to get promoted by your local media.
#4. The Unbelievably easy way to __________.
Example: The Unbelievably easy way to Block you from your Google Analytics
Creating your blog posts can be hard work. You have to come up with a good article idea, then the content for it, a great title then you have to market it once you’ve published it. It can be overwhelming – especially – for non-writers like myself. But with a few tips on your headline you’ll be crafting that perfect blog post in less time with more visitors reading beyond that title.
Looking for more ? – Grab my quick list of ‘Top 10 Converting Headlines.’
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Still need not convinced that you should be blogging in the first place? Check out this article “Why Blogging Is Important For Business“.
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